Have you exhausted all the options?
To build muscle effectively requires an understanding of biology and phsiology as well as nutrition. However, the way these fundamental principles fit into a phasic program that is achievable, drives performance, maintains health, and alters your body composition is unique for each individual.
Coaches with experience can provide the systems required to achieve success, and the best ones do this while ensuring the elements of that program are sustainable long-term.

My Philosophy
The fundamentals are to optimise and then maximise, always! Fats are kept to essential amounts only.
Optimize your protein to match your workload, and then maximise your carbohydrates to fascilitate performance, function, and repair.
Calorie Target
100% individual specific, and can range from anywhere between 50 to 300 calories in surplus each day.
While some body fat gain is inevitable, it should not be the primary goal.
I prefer a moderate surplus, achieved by alternating high and low-calorie days based on daily activity, ensuring a net weekly surplus.
1.5 to 3 grams/kg/day
Vegans on the higher end, while omnivores lower. Essential BCAAs are the goal, which veg do not have in high concentrations.
Match protein intake to LEAN muscle mass and output. Markers for effective protein intake is slight persistant DOMS. Too much protein is bad for kidneys.
3 to 9 grams/kg/day
This is manipulated to maintain weekly surplus and it is informed by output.
Effective carbohydrate intake leads to huge energy, consistent performance and recovery, drives biological processs involved in muscle growth and function, and healthy markers associated with health.
0.625 to 1 gram/kg/day
I encourage a combination of mono, poly, and saturated fats.
Fats are essential to health, but they are less so to performance. There is a threshold point where the benefit of intake is outweighed by the intake of carbohydrates. Do not be reckless.
Get a coach
You probably know a lot. But you won’t know as much as an expert in this field that does this for a living.
How this information fits into an achievable phasic model that drives performance, maintains health, and significantly changes body composition requires tailored understanding of biology and physiology.
Reach out today, I’m happy to help.